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Culture Beach Jam


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Independence Day Cel...
Kiss Lounge
USSD : *426*333*4#
Geez Wag
Dubois Center, Cantonments
USSD : *426*333*125#

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Register For Event Tickets?

You can access and register for events on EventsCabin online through the web or mobile app. For users without internet, you can register through USSD *426*333# and select the event of interest.

Do I Have To Print My Tickets?

To see your ticket on your phone:

  1. Log into your EventsCabin profile and click on your Upcoming events.
  2. Download the ticket for the selected event to see the QR code.
Can I Use My Phone To Show My Tickets?

Yes, and there is no need to print your tickets.

Find your tickets by login to your EventsCabin profile and selected the event from upcoming events .

How can I pay for my tickets?

Payments can be made through

  1. Credit & Debit cards (Visa, Mastercard)
  2. Mobile money (MTN, AT, Vodafone)
How do I update my user (ticket holder) profile?

Log into your EventsCabin and click on Dashboard.

Update your profile details and click on Update.

How do I download my tickets?
  1. Log in to your EventsCabin profile and click on upcoming events.
  2. Select the event and scroll to the right to download tickets.
How do I show my tickets on my phone?
  1. Log in to your EventsCabin profile and click on upcoming events.
  2. Select the event and scroll to the right. Download and open the tickets on the phone.
How do I find more information about an event?

To find out more information about a specific event, search for the event on EventsCabin and the relevant information, such as event start time, will be in the event description. If the information is not available, checkout the links to the event website.

All sensitive data will be encrypted and not visible by any EventsCabin staff or 3rd parties.

Can’t find the answer needed?

Ask us through our contact page. We will do well to respond within 24 hours.